Moving can be an incredibly stressful time. There are so many things to think about and organize that it can feel like a daunting task. But with a little planning and preparation, your move can go much more smoothly. In this blog post, we’ll share a few essential moving day tips and a comprehensive moving day checklist to help you get organized and reduce stress on moving day.

Create a moving day checklist

One of the best ways to reduce stress on moving day is to create a comprehensive checklist of everything that needs to be done. This way, you can ensure that nothing gets forgotten in the midst of all the chaos. Be sure to include both big and small tasks on your checklist, such as packing up all your belongings, arranging for transportation, arranging for movers (if needed), and changing your address with the post office. You can find a helpful moving day checklist template here.

Keep important papers in a handy location

Another helpful tip is to keep all of your important papers in one place. This includes things like your driver’s license, Social Security card, birth certificate, lease agreement, and insurance documents. Keeping these items together will make it much easier to find them when you need them on moving day. We recommend storing them in a portable file box or accordion folder so they’re easy to grab and go.

Plan ahead

As they say, failing to plan is planning to fail. This is especially true when it comes to moving. One of the best ways to reduce stress on moving day is to plan ahead as much as possible. This means start packing well in advance of the big day and arranging for transportation, movers, and any other services you may need well in advance too. The last thing you want is to be scrambling at the last minute to get everything done. 

Purge while everything is pulled out 

Moving is the perfect opportunity to purge any items you no longer need or use. As you start packing up your belongings, take some time to sort through everything and get rid of anything you don’t want or need anymore. You can donate unwanted items to charity or even sell them online or at a garage sale for some extra cash. Not only will this decluttering process help reduce the amount of stuff you have to move, but it will also help you save money on storage fees down the road. 

Stay organized amidst the chaos 

It’s easy for things to get lost or misplaced during a move because there’s so much going on at once. To keep things as organized as possible amidst all the chaos, be sure to label all your boxes with both their contents and destination room. That way, your movers will know exactly where everything goes when they arrive at your new home. And if you’re doing the move yourself, labeling boxes will make unpacking much easier (and less frustrating!) later on down the road. 

Move like a pro

We hope these moving day tips and our comprehensive moving day checklist help make your upcoming move a little less stressful. Remember that with a little planning and organization, everything will come together perfectly on moving day (or at least as close to perfect as possible). Best of luck.

If you need any assistance on your move don’t hesitate to call The Smart Mover.