How to Move with Pets: Tips for a Stress-Free Transition


Moving to a new home can mark the start of an exciting new chapter, but it can also be stressful—especially for your pets. However, with some planning, moving with pets doesn’t have to be overwhelming. This guide offers essential tips on how to move with pets to help make the transition smoother for both you and your furry friend.

1. Prepare a Cozy Space for Your Pet

Keeping your pet comfortable is key to reducing their anxiety on moving day. Ensure that they have a cozy and secure space where they can feel safe during the move.

How to Prepare:

  • Crate Setup: Use a crate or carrier with your pet’s favorite bed, blanket, and a few toys to keep them calm.
  • Pack Essentials: Have a bag with their food, water, treats, and dishes ready, so you know exactly where everything is when you arrive at the new house.

Tip: Keeping their routine as normal as possible on moving day will help reduce their stress.

2. Keep Your Pet Close During the Move

During the drive to your new home, it’s important to keep your pet nearby so they feel secure.

Travel Tips:

  • Front Seat Comfort: If possible, keep them in the front seat or within hearing distance, where they can see you and hear your voice.
  • Talk to Them: Reassuring your pet with your voice can help keep them calm and reduce their anxiety.

Pro Tip: Make sure your pet is secured in the car, whether with a pet seatbelt or in a properly ventilated crate.

3. Help Your Pet Adjust to the Move

Pets may not understand why things are changing, but they can pick up on your body language and tone of voice. Moving can be especially challenging for pets adopted from shelters, as they may associate car rides with being separated from their previous homes.

Signs of Stress:

  • Lack of Appetite: If your pet isn’t eating or drinking normally, they may still be adjusting to the new environment.
  • Behavioral Changes: Keep an eye out for signs of stress, such as excessive pacing, panting, or hiding.

Tip: Spend extra time with your pet, whether by taking them for a walk or playing their favorite game, to help them feel more secure.

4. Keep Your Pet Relaxed During the Move

Some pets may struggle with anxiety during the moving process. If your pet has a hard time traveling, consider ways to help them relax.

Calming Solutions:

  • Sedatives: Talk to your vet about mild sedatives if you think your pet could benefit from one during the move.
  • Natural Remedies: Consider natural options like CBD oil, herbal blends, or essential oils that are safe for pets and can help alleviate anxiety.

Pro Tip: Make sure you consult with your vet in advance to find the best calming method for your pet.

5. Help Your Pet Settle Into Their New Home

Once you’ve arrived at your new home, your pet will need time to adjust to the new surroundings. This adjustment period could take a few days to a week, depending on your pet’s temperament.

Ways to Ease the Transition:

  • Maintain Routine: Stick to your pet’s usual feeding, walking, and play schedule to help them feel more at ease.
  • Familiar Scents: Bring along their bed, blanket, and toys from the old house to provide a sense of familiarity.

Tip: Be patient if your pet seems out of sorts. It’s natural for them to take time to feel comfortable in their new environment.


Moving with pets doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. By preparing ahead of time and keeping your pet comfortable throughout the process, you can make the transition easier for both of you. Remember, your pet may need a little extra time and attention to adjust to their new surroundings, but with the right planning, they’ll settle in soon enough.

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