Packing Clothes Tips

Packing Clothes Tips

The Best Way to Pack Clothes for Moving: Tips and Tricks for an Easy Transition


Moving day marks an exciting milestone, but packing up your belongings, especially clothes, can be challenging. Whether you’re downsizing or moving across town, having a strategy is key to a smooth transition. Here are the best ways to pack clothes for moving that will help you streamline the process and minimize stress.

1. Purge the Closet

Before you start packing, remember that you don’t need to pack everything you own. Take this opportunity to go through your wardrobe and lighten the load.

How to Purge Your Closet:

  • Sort Clothes into Sections: Create categories such as:
    • To be packed
    • To be donated
    • To be discarded
  • Donate Gently Used Items: Give away clothes you no longer wear to charity. This not only helps others but reduces the number of items you need to move.

Pro Tip: The more you can purge, the less time you’ll spend packing and unpacking.

2. Separate Clothing Types

After sorting your clothes, organize them by type, material, or season. This makes packing and unpacking much easier.

How to Separate Clothes:

  • Group Similar Items: Fold all pants, shorts, or tops together. This creates a systematic approach to packing.
  • Use Material Separation: Group delicate items like silk separately from bulkier ones like jeans.

Tip: When packing purses, fit smaller bags inside larger ones to save space.

3. Use Your Shoes as Storage

When considering the best way to move clothes, don’t forget about your shoes. Shoes can provide extra storage for small items.

How to Use Shoes for Packing:

  • Stuff Shoes with Socks or Underwear: Maximize space by packing socks, underwear, or other small items inside shoes.
  • Avoid Valuables or Liquids: Shoes don’t offer much protection, so avoid packing fragile or spillable items inside them.

Pro Tip: Using every bit of space can help cut down on the number of boxes needed.

4. Work with the Hangers

One of the most time-consuming parts of packing clothes is removing them from hangers. Fortunately, there are better ways to handle this.

Best Ways to Move Clothes on Hangers:

  • Use a Wardrobe Box: These boxes allow you to transfer clothes directly on hangers, minimizing the work required.
  • Garment Bags: Slip clothes into garment bags or use garbage bags with a hole cut out for hangers. This keeps items together and wrinkle-free.

Pro Tip: This method saves time and helps preserve the quality of your clothes.

5. Try the Rolling Trick

If you want to save space, rolling your clothes is a game-changer. Rolling is a popular trick for movers that can significantly reduce the volume of clothing.

Why Rolling Clothes Works:

  • Saves Space: Rolled clothes take up less room than folded clothes.
  • Prevents Wrinkles: This method also reduces wrinkles, so your clothes will look fresh upon unpacking.

Tip: This technique works well for most clothing items, from T-shirts to dresses.

6. Tackle the Cabinet Drawers

The old advice to tape drawers shut and move them as is may not always be the best approach. The added weight can make moving furniture difficult.

Best Way to Move Clothes from Drawers:

  • Transfer Clothes: Instead of leaving clothes in the drawers, pack them into bags, boxes, or suitcases.
  • Easy Unpacking: Once you arrive, you can quickly unpack them into the drawers again.

Pro Tip: This method lightens your furniture, making it easier to move.

7. Keep a Duffel Bag for Essentials

Amid the chaos of moving, having easy access to basic clothing items is crucial. Prepare a duffel bag for the first night at your new home.

What to Pack in Your Duffel Bag:

  • Basic Clothing: Include essential items like a shirt, pants, and underwear.
  • Shoes First: Place shoes at the bottom of the bag to maximize space for other essentials.

Pro Tip: Having a go-to bag with clothing for the first day or night will save you from digging through boxes right away.


Packing clothes for a move doesn’t have to be stressful. By following these simple tips—purging your closet, separating clothing types, using creative packing methods, and keeping essentials handy—you’ll make the process more organized and efficient. Start packing early and enjoy a smoother, more successful move.

Should You Hire Professional Movers

Should You Hire Professional Movers or Move Yourself? A Complete Guide to Help You Decide


Moving is a necessary part of life that everyone will face at some point, whether it’s moving to a new home, relocating for work, or moving to a different city. However, with moving comes time, costs, and stress. One of the biggest decisions is whether to hire professional movers or tackle the move yourself (DIY). Here’s a breakdown of the factors to consider before making your choice.

Factors to Consider Before Hiring Professional Movers or Doing It Yourself

If you’re asking yourself, should I hire professional movers? here are some key factors to help you decide which option is best for your situation.

1. Time

Time is one of the most important factors when deciding how to move.

Hiring Professional Movers:

  • Saves Time: Professional movers can pack, load, transport, and unload your belongings faster than most DIY moves.

DIY Move:

  • Requires Time: If you and your family have enough time for the entire process—packing, loading, transporting, and unloading—you may choose to handle the move yourself.

Pro Tip: If you’re on a tight schedule, hiring professionals may be the better option to save valuable time.

2. Cost of Moving

Both options come with costs, but they differ depending on your approach.

Hiring Professional Movers:

  • Higher Upfront Cost: Hiring professional movers typically costs more, but you’re paying for convenience and expertise.

DIY Move:

  • Lower Cost: Moving yourself may be cheaper, but you’ll still need to budget for essentials like:
    • Packing materials (boxes, tape, paper)
    • Rental moving truck (including fuel and insurance)
    • Moving equipment like dollies and furniture pads

Pro Tip: While DIY can be cheaper upfront, unexpected costs like rental truck insurance or equipment can add up.

3. Physical Capacity

Moving involves a lot of heavy lifting, stretching, and bending. Be honest about your physical capability before deciding on a DIY move.

Hiring Professional Movers:

  • Less Physical Strain: Professional movers handle all the heavy lifting, reducing the risk of injury or damage to your belongings.

DIY Move:

  • Requires Physical Effort: If you’re physically able and have help, a DIY move could work, but be mindful of how strenuous moving can be.

Tip: Don’t overestimate your strength. If you’re worried about lifting large furniture, hiring movers may be a safer option.

Advantages of Hiring Professional Movers

Despite the cost, hiring professional movers offers several key advantages that can make your move smoother and less stressful.

1. Safety

Professional movers ensure the safety of your belongings. Most moving companies are licensed and insured, which means they are responsible for any damage that occurs during the move. Plus, movers are experienced in packing and transporting items, reducing the likelihood of accidents.

2. Efficiency

Movers work quickly and efficiently. Their experience in moving households and companies means they can complete your move in a fraction of the time it would take to do it yourself.

3. Cost-Effectiveness

For larger homes, hiring professional movers can sometimes be more cost-effective than doing it yourself. The cost of packing supplies, renting trucks, and possibly hiring help to load and unload can add up. Movers can offer a bundled package that covers everything.


Whether you decide to hire professional movers or handle the move yourself, it’s important to consider factors like time, cost, and physical capacity. If you opt for professionals, make sure to research and hire a reputable company to avoid scams. By evaluating your needs and capabilities, you’ll make an informed decision that leads to a smoother, less stressful move.


Ready to move? Contact Smart Move Moving and Storage for reliable and professional moving services that make your transition stress-free. Whether you’re moving locally or long-distance, we’re here to help!

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Packing Before Moving Day

Packing Before Moving Day

How Long Before Moving Day Should You Pack? A Guide to Stress-Free Packing


Moving is a big undertaking, but it doesn’t have to be stressful if you start packing early and stay organized. If you’re wondering, when should I start packing for a move?, the answer is simple—the sooner, the better. Here’s a guide to help you understand how long before moving day you should pack and how to make the process smoother.

Organization is Key

The best way to pack for a move is to be organized from the start. Creating a plan and setting up a few lists will help you stay on track and keep your items safe.

Why Organization Matters:

  • Prevents Last-Minute Stress: By starting early and staying organized, you avoid the stress of last-minute packing.
  • Protects Your Belongings: Taking the time to wrap items properly reduces the risk of damage during the move.

Pro Tip: Use color-coded labels or numbers for each room to make unpacking easier.

When Should You Start Packing?

The timeline for packing depends on your circumstances, but the general rule is to start as soon as you know you’re moving. Begin with items you won’t need for a while.

Packing Timeline:

  • 6-8 Weeks Before Moving: Start by packing seasonal items or things you rarely use, like holiday decorations, off-season clothing, or spare dishes.
  • 4-6 Weeks Before Moving: Move on to less frequently used items like books, electronics, and home décor.
  • 2-3 Weeks Before Moving: Start packing up kitchen items, linens, and other daily-use items that you can live without for a little while.
  • 1 Week Before Moving: Pack the remaining essentials, but keep a few key items out for the final days.

Tip: Keep a “first-day box” with essential items for each room that you’ll need as soon as you arrive, such as toiletries, a change of clothes, or important documents.

Planned Packing for a Smooth Move

Starting early also gives you time to pack items properly, reducing the chance of damage during the move. Here’s how to plan out your packing strategy.

How to Pack Efficiently:

  • Pack Items by Room: Pack similar items from the same room in one box, label it clearly, and make a detailed list of contents.
  • Start with Non-Essentials: Pack non-essential items like décor or spare linens first, and save everyday items for last.
  • Use a Master List: Keep a master list of all boxes and their contents to help you find items easily after the move.

Pro Tip: Pack fragile items with care, using bubble wrap or packing paper, and label boxes containing breakables as “fragile.”

Consider the Type of Move

The distance between your current home and your new one can also affect how you pack and how long the process will take.

Short-Distance Moves:

  • For local moves, you can be a bit more flexible. You may not need to pack everything ahead of time since you can make multiple trips if necessary.
  • Keep essentials close by in case you need something quickly.

Long-Distance Moves:

  • For long-distance moves, it’s essential to be more organized. Everything needs to be packed and ready before the moving truck arrives.
  • Plan to transport perishable items in coolers and have a plan for storing temperature-sensitive items.

Tip: For longer moves, pack essentials in your personal vehicle rather than the moving truck to ensure easy access to important items.

Take Time to Purge Unnecessary Items

Moving is the perfect time to declutter and get rid of items you no longer need or use. Use this opportunity to go through your closets, cupboards, and storage spaces to purge old or unwanted items.

Decluttering Benefits:

  • Less to Move: The fewer items you pack, the easier your move will be.
  • Fresh Start: Decluttering allows you to start fresh in your new home, with only the things you really need.

Pro Tip: Donate gently used items to charity or hold a yard sale to make extra cash before the move.


The answer to how long before moving day should you pack? is simple—start as early as possible. With a good plan in place, you can spread out the work and avoid the stress of last-minute packing. By following these tips, you’ll ensure a smooth and organized move, making the transition to your new home a breeze.


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Ready to make your move stress-free? Contact Smart Move Moving and Storage for professional moving services. Whether you’re moving locally or long-distance, we’re here to help with packing, transportation, and more!


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